Manuel Benjume

May 28, 1964 ~ June 18, 2023
El 18 de junio, Manuel Benjume de Robbins, Carolina del Norte, de 59 años, falleció pacíficamente, dejando un profundo sentimiento de pérdida al despedir a un esposo, padre y abuelo querido. Manuel, un valiente inmigrante de México, eligió Robbins, Carolina del Norte, como su hogar hace más de tres décadas. Con una fe inquebrantable, desempeñó un papel fundamental en el establecimiento de la primera misión católica en español de la ciudad.
La devoción de Manuel a Dios se evidenciaba en sus acciones y en el amor que compartía con los demás. Junto a su pasión por su familia, su granja y el cultivo de plantas, encontraba gran alegría al brindar servicios de catering para diversos eventos.
Manuel es sobrevivido por su amada esposa de 40 años, Socorro Benjume, sus cuatro hijos, cinco nietos y una red de amigos y familiares llenos de amor. Sus hijos y sus respectivas parejas son Carlos y Adela, Maria y Florencio, Victor y Nick, e Ivan; nietos: Gissel Alexi Benjume, Alec Enrique Benjume, Aldo Mateo Orihuela, Adriel Marco Orihuela, Ari Manuel Orihuela.
On June 18, 2023 Manuel Benjume of Robbins, NC, age 59, peacefully passed away, leaving a profound sense of loss as we bid farewell to a cherished husband, father, and grandfather. Manuel, a brave immigrant from Mexico, chose Robbins, NC, as his home over three decades ago. With unwavering faith, he played a pivotal role in establishing the town’s first Spanish Catholic missionary.
Manuel’s devotion to God was evident in his actions and the love he shared with others. Alongside his passion for his family, farm, and cultivating plants, he took great joy in providing catering services for various events.
Survived by his beloved spouse of 40 years, Socorro Benjume, their four children, five grandchildren, and a network of loving friends and relatives, Manuel’s legacy lives on. His children and their respective spouses include Carlos and Adela, Maria and Florencio, Victor and Nick, and Ivan; grandchildren: Gissel Alexi Benjume, Alec Enrique Benjume, Aldo Mateo Orihuela, Adriel Marco Orihuela, Ari Manuel Orihuela.
Funeral Mass will be noon, June 22, 2023 at San Juan Diego Catholic Church. Followed by burial at Pine Rest Cemetery.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 PM, Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at Kennedy Funeral Home and from 9 to 11 AM, June 22, 2023 at his home, 2009 Needham Grove Road, Robbins, NC.
Kennedy Funeral Home is serving the Benjume family.
Condolences on line at
, We are so sorry to hear about the passing of Manuel. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and all the family. May God continue to give you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
En estos momentos tan dificiles le pido al Senor que les de la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, Victor, atesora todo lo aprendido por tu padre Manuel y se el ejemplo a los que vendran detras de ti.
Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias, Judy Rivera & Modesto Velazquez
I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. Praying that you may find strength and peace through this difficult time. Hugs.
Jackie Jimenez y Familia🫂🫂🫂
Nuestro más sentido pésame. En este momento tan difícil que están viviendo, saben que cuentan con nuestro apoyo❤️
May God grant you peace and serenit is during this difficult time. I am with you in thoughts and prayers ❤️🩹🙏
My dear Benjume family I love you all so. I feel as if I grew up with your family as my mom “Mrs. Kennedy” tought you children at Robbins for many years. Your Husban and Father was a wonderful man. You all have learned and loved him as much as he loves you. He will always be loved and never forgotten. He is now with our heavenly family living better days, and looking over your too.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We were so sorry to hear of the loss of the special man in this family. May your wonderful memories help through this difficult time.
Love and prayers to this family , worked with Manuel he was a wonderful man.
Mi más sentido pésame para Doña Socorro y toda la familia. De DIOS venimos y a DIOS regresamos. 🙏
Nuestras condolencias para toda la familia…Descanse en Paz nuestro querido amigo,Nos quedamos con los buenos recuerdos una excelente persona…Nuestras oraciones para una pronta resignación🙏🙏🙏
Socorro, Ivan, and family,
We are so sorry to hear of Manuel’s passing. We are praying that the Lord will comfort your hearts and lift you up in the days ahead. We love you.
Lori, Noah, and Matthew Johnson
Reciban nuestro más sentido pesame. Tuvimos el gusto de conocer a don Manuel quien siempre nos recibia con un saludo de mano y una sonrisa sincera, atraves de la amistad que él tenia con mi padre que en paz descanse. Les enviamos un abrazo y oraciones para que en los dias venideros encuentren la paz y el consuelo de esta gran Perdida.
I am so sorry about Manuel! I am thankful for many memories of happy times on the 8th grade hall at Elise, when Manuel would drop by at the end of the school day to see you. He ALWAYS brought big smiles and lots of laughter during his visits. Please know that you, Carlos, Lupe, Victor, and Ivan are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤
Familia Benjume mi mas sentido pesame me acabo de enterar de su perdida y me uno a su dolor don Manuel mi amigo de mucho tiempo
Graciela Tinajero